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You Build Buildings and We Build Businesses

There are currently 4,208,571,287 people who use the Internet. What statement do you make when these people first click on your website? First impressions are everything! Ninety-four percent of these user’s first impressions is linked to website design.

Increase your brand awareness and generate leads with an impressive, easy-to-use website that features your portfolio of work and is equipped with lead generation tools, landing you on the top of every Google search!

How do you accomplish this, you ask?

The easiest way to do this is by working with the creatives and digital marketing experts at Studio Brand (SB). We understand the construction industry is booming, and you need to rely on an agency that can get the job done so you can continue to land bids and grow your business.

As a digital marketing agency, our goal for any client is to strategically utilize tools that lead to generating new business. For example, with a construction company looking to take on new projects, we would start with search engine optimization (SEO), build a mobile-friendly website, and implement a lead generation form.

Construction is your business, but marketing is ours, so let’s take a closer look at these basic building blocks:

  • SEO Optimization: When a website is optimized with the right keywords and phrases like construction, contractors, or remodeling, then that site can maximize its ranking potential to drive traffic to your page. Put simply, as a construction business, you want to be the number one business on a Google search. This is how we accomplish that task.
  • Mobile-Friendly Website: As a majority of website traffic comes from mobile and tablets in today’s world, it’s essential to ensure your website renders effectively and correctly on these devices. This will minimize bounce rates and maximize usability, which can indirectly affect your search engine ranking.
  • Lead Generation Form: Once you’ve wowed your potential customer with your user-friendly website and digital portfolio, you then want to capture their information. A lead generation form will capture their name, email, and any other details you may need to know regarding their potential project.


Let SB build your company a website that will not only promote your brand but will garner the business you deserve. As a full-service digital marketing agency we can host and update your website, too.

Explore our work and see how we’ve helped other businesses like yours:


Ready to get started? We can create a whole new website that will increase engagement with your company and will add to your credibility. Let us help you build your business.


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